Basement Floor Paint
Basement Floor Paint Products

Pink’s has numerous basement floor paint options from simple do it yourself applications to more advanced decorative options requiring an epoxy contractor.
The first step in considering options for resurfacing concrete is moisture. Moisture pressure can be extreme, in some cases requiring a topical moisture vapor barrier that will withstand excessive upwards pressure.
When moisture travels under the floor, it will meet resistance at some point. At that point the pressure will push upwards to the point of least resistance. Usually this is at a crack or expansion joint. In many cases moisture vapor will push right through tiny capillaries or air holes in cement floors. The pressure can be extreme enough to delaminate coatings.
A simple test is to tape a piece of clear plastic to the floor. If after 3 days you don’t see obvious signs of moisture on the plastic, then you have a floor that can be resurfaced with paint and sealers. Keep in mind that summer months will yield higher levels of moisture than winter months.
Basement Floor Paint Options
PI015 Water Based Epoxy – This is a thin epoxy paint that serves as a primer for thick coatings or can be applied in 2-3 coats as a basement floor paint. It can be sealed with a water based urethane or wax coat. $79.95 per gallon. 1 Gallon Covers 275-325 SF. Available in standard colors. Light chips can be added.
PI410 Concrete Stain – For more details, see our page about concrete stain. $89.95 makes 1 Gallon when mixed with 4 parts water. Covers 600+ SF on smooth concrete. Can be sealed with PI015 Clear or PI415
PI707LVP 93% Solids Epoxy – Thick, 2 coat application. Available in standard colors. Can be finished with a water based urethane. You can use a light decorative chip system with this coating. 3 gallon Kit $229.95 Covers 200 SF Per Gallon
PI707 100% Solids Epoxy – High Build 100% Solids Epoxy. Prime with PI015 Waterbased epoxy. Top coat with Epoxy or urethane. 3 Gallon kits $239.00, covers 100-125 SF per gallon.
Basement Floor Paint Options – Finish Coats
PI137m Epoxy Sealer –100% solids epoxy clear sealer. High performance sealer, 16 mils, 100SF per Gallon. 3 Gallon Kit $259.00
PI520/521 Water Based Urethane–Low Odor for interiors. High performance roll on Urethane in flat or gloss finish. 350-500 SF per gallon. 1.5 Gallon kit $249.95
PI7960 Wax Coat– apply 3-4 coats with microfiber mop for protective finish. 1 Gallon produces 3-4 coats @ 500SF $79.95 per gallon.
Basement Floor Paint Options – Repair Products
PI110 Epoxy Patch – 100% solid epoxy for repairing damaged concrete. $89.95 per gallon.
PI414 Expansion Joint Filler – use for sealing expansion joints . 2 Gallons $169.95
PI818 Crack Repair – Use to repair cracks in concrete floors and walls.2 Gallon Kit $139.95